He is an Interior and Furniture Designer that has interest to manage the line between form versus function by applying a healthy dose of logicness to his explorative way of design. At first glance, his work carries a modern, almost pragmatic feel. But After peering a bit closer, his design philosophy of making products that much more dynamic and useful through the editing of small details becomes apparent through thoughtful design tweaks.

Before he founded LIB_Local Interior Bureau, Dhanistha began his professional interior design career in Jakarta (INA), Singapore, and at the Ali Mangera led Mangera Yvars (MYAA) in Barcelona (Bcn).

"Yang membedakan KIAS dengan produk lain adalah, setiap lini produknya mempunyai sentuhan unik dan cukup orisinil karena dikembangkan secara intensif oleh setiap desainer di belakangnya."

Alter Lounge Chair, designed by Dhanista Dyaksa

In 2017 he earned a Masters degree from ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering, after previously earning a Bachelors degree in Indonesia (ITB). Dhanis most notable works have been featured in selected local , such as bliblimart project collaborated with at lars, and new proposed interior design Hospitality Facility for Lusail Stadium in Qatar world cup 2022.